Under Investigation

Many types of sex crimes – such as child pornography, sexual abuse, and Internet sex offenses – involve an investigation by the police or prosecution before they ever file criminal charges. You may hear that someone has accused you of rape or sexual assault before you are contacted by an officer or investigator. Knowing you are under investigation allows you a valuable opportunity to get legal counsel right away.

Our help now may make all the difference. If you’ve been accused of rape, sexual assault or any other sex offense, or if you know you are under investigation, call the Law Office of David Breston at 713-224-4040 today or contact us online.

With a Skilled Attorney on Your Side, You May Avoid Criminal Charges

From the very beginning, defense lawyer David Breston, a Houston sex crime defense lawyer, examines the evidence against you and provides thorough investigation to uncover the truth. Our goal is to make sure that the prosecutor or grand jury hears the truth and the consistent evidence of your innocence.

If you have been wrongfully accused – either by mistake or by a person who wants to hurt you – Mr. Breston will often have you take a lie detector test. Because of the value of this test, if you pass, the prosecution may decide not to pursue charges at all. Also, our private investigator will meet with witnesses and your accuser, if possible, to uncover any inconsistencies or evidence of malice in the accusation.

Continued Defense throughout Your Case

If our careful investigation does not result in dismissed charges at this point, we will continue to collect all evidence favorable to our client and work to suppress any evidence that was part of an illegal search – all to convince a grand jury of the truth. A prosecutor may let this special jury decide whether there is enough evidence to charge our client. Attorney David Breston has handled many successful cases where the district attorney or grand jury decides the evidence is not strong enough and does not pursue charges.

If you think you are under investigation for sexual assault, child pornography or rape, don’t hesitate. Talk immediately with a sex defense lawyer who can fight the accusations. For a free confidential consultation, please call defense attorney David Breston at 713-224-4040 or contact us online.