Preparing the Falsely Accused to Testify

Preparing the Person Falsely Accused of a Sex Crime to Testify

It is my opinion that a person who is accused of this type of crime will normally need to testify. There are obviously some exceptions. Although everyone has the right not to testify, and jurors are instructed that they can not hold this against the person accused, they generally think that if a person who is charged with this type of crime does not testify, he or she must be guilty.

The best way to prepare accused people is to break them down in order to build them back up. An attorney should make sure that he knows all of the weak points in the defense’s case and go over them repeatedly with his client. This way, when the state asks about the weak points, the person should be able to give an explanation.

Obviously, an attorney cannot testify for the person who is accused, but many times the attorney can help the client express his or her thoughts more clearly. The client needs to bring in as much physical evidence as possible. If the client can draw a diagram of where he or she lived when the allegations took place, this could help. Anything that the client can prepare can be helpful. The jury wants to see that the person being accused is actively involved in his or her own defense.

For a free initial consultation call the Law Office of David A. Breston and speak to a sexual crime defense attorney at 713-224-4040 or contact us online.